Attitude is everything
It’s a common saying and personally I couldn’t agree more. When it comes to successfully and confidently expressing yourself and having a great time in the process, awareness of your attitude allows for a wealth of opportunities.
Do you adopt a confident, positive attitude when you play/create, or is your attitude doubting and/or negative? Perhaps you are somewhere in between, and of course, your attitude will probably change with each day, each piece of music, each performance…
However, you most probably have a ‘default’ attitude when you pick up your instrument or start to create. Do you know what that attitude is? Are you choosing it, or is it choosing you?
Start by observing your attitude and keep exploring it in all its detail until you know it intimately. Keep watching it and attempting to describe it. Quite possibly in the process your attitude will change – and noticing this change is of great value.
Once you know your ‘default’ attitude well, try on some other attitudes for size. Do you observe attitudes in others that you would like to emulate? Are there attitudes you wish you had? Don’t think too hard about this…perhaps the first ideas that come to mind are the most meaningful?
Like it’s a game, adopt an attitude you want to explore, and start playing. Observe how that attitude affects your performance. Do you feel more confident, are you expressing yourself more easily? Do you feel better physically or emotionally? Or perhaps it is less successful and rewarding than what you are used to? Then try some more on for size…keep exploring and observing closely.
This process of exploration will educate you about the attitudes you have been working within, and it is highly likely that in the process you will discover some new liberating attitudes to incorporate into your performance process.
The first and most important step is to get clarity in regards to the attitudes you bring to your performance and creativity. That clarity will propel you forward towards developing new and improved attitudes, and in the process, as you get to know and fine-tune your attitudes, your self-expression will improve, as will your confidence and creativity.