Violinist, Director & Creative Performance Coach
Supporting musicians to thrive
As a Violinist with more than 35 years of professional experience, I am guided by mind and body awareness that supports authentic and easeful performances that connect.
As a Creative Performance Coach drawing on my broad practical experience and industry knowledge, I support musicians to discover new levels of physical freedom, expressive confidence and enjoyment within their careers.
ListenFeelPlay is my performance philosophy, inspiring me as both violinist and coach. By heightening our quality of listening and engaging more fully with what we feel, we unleash our true creative voice, have fun and PLAY!
Can I help you?
Are you a performer looking for more successful and rewarding ways to express yourself artistically?
Do you wish you could just let go and play from your heart?
Do you want to feel more comfortable and experience more natural confidence when you perform?
Are you easily distracted? Would you like to experience a calm and focused mind?
Or perhaps you want to enjoy your performing more, or even reconnect with your love of performing?
If so, you are in the right place.
What I have discovered:
There is profound power in being physically centred.
The body can move with natural ease, intelligence and innate confidence when whole-body awareness originates from a balanced foundational centre.
The chattering and distracted mind settles with engaged physical connection.
Focusing intentions leads to great creative and expressive power.
How we engage physically, mentally and emotionally directly defines our performance success.
Confidence can be built.
What coaching can do for you:
You can build your confidence with every step through honest and supportive self-reflection and enhanced awareness.
You can discover what holds you back, and in turn explore liberating pathways to your unique creative and expressive success.
You can open up your imagination and creativity with renewed clarity of intention.
You can build trust in yourself and harness your strengths.
You can learn to focus on what really counts and fully connect with your expressive voice.
You can love what you do and THRIVE!

What my clients say…
After a few in-depth conversations it became clear that this was someone with not only a vast knowledge of music and the different career paths that are associated with it, but also of the wide range of issues involved with the occupation of being a professional in this field…
…she taught me how to develop inner confidence, and to use my natural qualities instead of criticising them, to extend myself as a person and musician…
…This is a lady of integrity, of experience, and with an open, creative mind that will be able to work with all types of musicians – should they also be open to share their experiences freely and openly…
Justine is a trustworthy, confidential, patient and caring person. Her kind, nurturing nature and respectful communication skills lend perfectly to supporting high level performers to achieve confidence and freedom from performance stresses…
…she understands my performance issues and challenges at a deep level having worked to such a high level herself in many different professional settings…
…Not only has she provided me with some techniques to use when I’m feeling pressured but in the bigger picture some skills to find that simplicity and joy of playing a musical instrument like when you first started…
Justine has a confidence and calmness about her that makes you feel at ease. No question was silly and no problem too small. The ultimate goal is to ensure your music making is as enjoyable as possible and her approach makes you feel empowered to take control of your musicianship…
…Justine sensitively helped me to discover what was causing my lack of focus, then skillfully supported me to regain control and reconnect with my love of playing and performing. I learnt how to consciously build my confidence, as well as trust myself and my creative ability…
…My sessions with Justine have been invaluable for me and my career as a violinist. Approaching music from the standpoint of curiosity and creativity, playing the violin is now so much more than just a ‘day job’!
In a few short sessions Justine transformed my outlook and approach to playing in an orchestra. Her insightful and practical coaching gave me new ideas and tools for extending and self-managing my playing, both physically and mentally.
It’s been two years now since Justine worked with me. I find I am continuing to gain new insights through applying the ideas and techniques I learned with her. I am more assured, resilient, and a great deal happier as a player than I was back then.
As musicians, I think we all need some fresh input from time to time. Justine has real integrity both professionally and personally, so her ideas and techniques come from true understanding and experience.
I heartily recommend Justine to any player who is looking for a way to be refreshed, inspired, more productive and happier in their work.
My sessions with Justine were incredibly helpful.
As a performer and a teacher, I am always searching for ways of tackling issues that commonly arise in my own playing, as well as my students. Justine’s method really increases one’s awareness of use and gives extremely effective and easy to implement methods of releasing tension and enhancing performance.
Her approach is supportive and encouraging and facilitates the performers ability to focus and realise their musical intentions without inhibition. The simple concepts and techniques that she teaches can even be used whilst performing on stage, to increase ease, comfort and ultimately confidence.
I highly recommend this to anyone wishing to improve their own performance or that of their students, and enhance their enjoyment of music making.